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The Importance of ‘People Data’ in Private Equity

Using Relationship Data to Find Your Next Deal

The power of relationship data gives you the ability to identify opportunities through referrals, introductions and trusted connections.

Leveraging data and connections. It’s the age-old strategy for success in deal-making, but the methodology used in the space is rapidly changing. The goal is always the same: find key deals, track connections, and get that elusive competitive edge. But small, intimate networks, clubs, and alumni groups aren’t the only tools available to us anymore.

By harnessing relationship intelligence, PE professionals can initiate strategic partnerships, tap into proprietary deal flow, and leverage industry expertise.

Innovation and technology are reshaping the path to success. Therefore, deciphering relationships (and their offerings) is the key to long-term impact. Let’s dive into the changes in this space, plus how we can effectively leverage the available relationship tools. High-value deals are on the other side of successfully utilized relationship capital – here’s how to access them.

Using Relationships to Find New Business Deals

Relationship Capital, in the context of private equity, is the strategic practice of utilizing data and analytics to unravel the intricacies of business relationships, networks, and connections. It shines a spotlight on the web of associations that can significantly impact a firm’s performance. It offers valuable insights in ways that traditional metrics and balance sheets just can’t.

Again, in the context of PE, there are a few ways that this kind of data (and its analysis) is used to find business deals:

  1. Identifying super connectors
  2. Increase the speed and probability of deal origination
  3. Facilitating value creation
  4. Asset gathering

Ultimately, these advantages can mesh together in strategies that have a drastic impact on a PE firm’s competitive position in the long term.

Identifying Influencers And Industry Experts

In the dynamic realm of PE, identifying influencers and industry experts is the first step toward gaining a competitive edge. Relationship Capital Management empowers PE firms to pinpoint these pivotal figures who possess market knowledge, strategic insights, and access to key resources and people.

By harnessing relationship intelligence, PE professionals can initiate strategic partnerships, tap into proprietary deal flow, and leverage industry expertise. This enables firms to stay ahead in a rapidly changing landscape. It allows them to leverage the insights and networks of influencers to make informed decisions and land deals.

Strengthening Deal Origination

Again, relationship data strengthens deal origination by fostering strong connections within the industry. It enables firms to identify potential investment opportunities through referrals, introductions, and trusted connections. As the data consistently shows, connections via referrals are inevitably more successful than those without.

With a robust network and strategic relationships in place, PE firms gain access to exclusive deals that may remain hidden from competitors. This proactive approach to deal origination enhances a firm’s ability to source high-quality investments.

Facilitating Value Creation

The true measure of success in PE extends beyond the initial investment. Relationship Capital Management plays a vital role in post-acquisition value creation.

By leveraging relationship intelligence, firms can connect portfolio companies with experts, potential customers, and strategic partners. Collaboration is key, and when done well, accelerates growth and drives value within the portfolio. Access to relevant networks and the creation of valuable relationships are catalysts for success.

Relationship Capital, in the context of private equity, is the strategic practice of utilizing data and analytics to unravel the intricacies of business relationships, networks, and connections.

In the case of a new acquisition, for example, a Talent Report can quickly output qualifying individuals (according to whatever criteria you deem important). This saves resources when filling out leadership teams and boards, while ensuring quality leads with relevant experience.

Asset Gathering

Capital is essential. These tools can help provide warm introductions to asset allocators at pension funds, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds. This enables marketing and IR professionals to diversify their client base and secure investments from a range of sources. More sources of capital help to ensure a steady flow of assets that strengthen their position in the industry.

The Right Platform for Success

In the fiercely competitive world of PE, relationships have evolved from being a valuable asset to the very currency of success. Relationship Capital Management, with its data-driven insights and strategic connections, has become the compass guiding PE firms toward more quality deals and sustained growth.

However, it’s not just about having relationships. It’s about having the right platform to gather, analyze, and utilize Relationship Capital to its full advantage. In this rapidly changing landscape, having the tools and technologies that can turn data into actionable insights is paramount.

Altrata is leading the way in providing these essential tools. But, beyond platforms, it’s the vision and strategy that matter most. As the future unfolds, Relationship Capital Management will continue to reshape the PE processes and workflows. Those who harness the power of their network and leverage the right platform will be best positioned to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Ramy Sahadevan is a Senior Director and Head of Private Equity Sales at Altrata. He is a trusted advisor to clients seeking to optimize their data and software infrastructure. He has a wealth of experience working with some of the largest private equity firms globally. Ramy also has a proven track record of helping PE firms create greater efficiencies, specifically for their investment, portfolio talent and investor relations teams. His previous experience includes sales roles within many of the leading market data companies, including Intercontinental Exchange. Prior to moving to the data/software business, he worked for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Brown Brothers Harriman.